What we are offering at SKEVA for our JR teams is a volleyball experience, geared towards opening up opportunities to our players. These opportunities centered around introducing the game, as well as player development! The only differences are the shortened length of season, and closer tournament schedule. What you can expect to gain from a SKEVA JR season will be listed below!


·       Increased skill for school volleyball.

·       Increased skill for college scholarship opportunities.

·       Opportunities for Community Involvement to put on applications.

·       The opportunity to learn the value of a team.


We at SKEVA believe in giving as much as we can for the fees that we collect. We will work individually, and as a group to ensure that each player is given an opportunity to thrive within our club. Here is a list of some of the most important things that your fees will be covering.

·       Two Practice shirts

·       Coaches salary

·       Gym Space

·       Insurance through USAV

·       Individual skill days

·       Tournament entry fees

·       Website cost

·       Equipment (Volleyballs, carts, etc)

·       Coach Training

·       Media Coverage